The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Campus Conduct Hotline

Contact or visit us

Nebraska Wesleyan University
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 466-2371
commencement2024 [at] (commencement2024[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Campus Conduct Hotline

The Campus Conduct Hotline© and it is designed to minimize any apprehension you may have and make it possible for you to report concerns about possible violations of our institution’s Statement of Professional Ethics and employment policies. The Campus Conduct Hotline© system is available for your use around the clock, seven days a week. Because the Hotline is operated by an independent organization, any calls made through this Hotline are completely confidential and anonymous.

This service is not meant to replace your existing departmental relationships and you should work closely with your supervisor in most matters. However, in the event you are not able to do that, please take advantage of this confidential service.

Grievance procedure

Ideally, situations should be resolved by direct discussion among the parties involved. All grievances should be addressed initially to the office or person involved in the dispute. When situations cannot be resolved on the basis of direct discussion, the dispute should be taken to the next level, normally the supervising person or office. Students may contact the dean of students for assistance in resolving a grievance or to find the appropriate office or person with whom to discuss a dispute or grievance. A student wishing to anonymously and confidentially report a grievance may contact the Campus Conduct Hotline.

How to use the Campus Conduct Hotline

Using this new reporting service is easy. If you have a question or concern about a possible violation of our Statement of Professional Ethics or employment policies, simply dial toll-free to (866) 943-5787.

Once you have dialed the toll-free number, here is how the reporting and follow-up processes work:

  • Your call will be greeted promptly and courteously by a person who makes certain you understand the Campus Conduct Hotline© program and how it functions. If you prefer to make your report in a language other than English, just let the person who answers know and they will arrange for a translator to participate.
  • At the beginning of the interview, you will be provided with a five digit, randomly generated case number that you should use to check back for updates and requests for additional information. Be sure to write this number down and remember where you put it!
  • You will then be interviewed about the question or concern that is on your mind.
  • Your interview will not be recorded. Instead, the interviewer will be typing notes of your conversation. Whether or not you choose to provide your name is completely up to you.
  • Within one business-day of your call, a summary of the interview will be forwarded to our institution. Our goal will be to have a basic response back to you in five business days.
  • To receive your response, you will need to call back and provide the five digit case number that has been assigned to you. At that time, you might be asked to provide additional information or to call back at a later date. You will be able to keep checking back for updates until your case is closed.

Because of the built-in confidentiality, it is important that you try to be as specific as possible about the information you provide. For example, we will need to know the name of the department you work in and the location you are calling about. And, please be sure to call back in five business days to check to see if any additional information is needed. Alternatively, if you would like someone to contact you directly, you can leave your name along with a phone number where and when you would prefer to be called.

To repeat, at no time is any caller required to identify himself or herself and all information provided can be completely confidential and anonymous.

We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in our workplace. If you experience or observe what you believe is inappropriate behavior and areto do, we hope you will use the Campus Conduct Hotline© to report it.