The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Student Organization Registration

Contact or visit us

Student Life
Roy Story Student Center
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2223

Student Organization Registration

General Information
Type of organization (Optional)
Select the one that best describes the organization.
New leadership is elected in the (Optional)
Is constitution on file with CSI? (Optional)
Is revised constitution on file with CSI? (Optional)

Please note that if your constitution is has not been revised since 2004, a staff member from the Center for Student Involvement will be contacting you to obtain a revised copy of your constitution.

If you are unsure if you have a current (2004 or later) constitution on file, please contact the Center for Student Involvement at x2412. You can also email the most current version of your constitution (as an attached Word document) to involvement [at] (involvement[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).

Organization Leadership
Leadership selected for the (Optional)
Phone (Optional)

Registration must be submitted on an annual basis to the Center for Student Involvement and whenever new officers are selected for the organization. This maintains accurate records of the organization for University purposes and for student information.

Advisors selected for the (Optional)
Phone (Optional)
Phone (Optional)
National/International Affiliation
Is the organization affiliated with a national or international organization? (Optional)

Affirmation of the Nebraska Wesleyan University non-discrimination policy:

This organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, creed, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin or sexual orientation. Note: Certain organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, are not subject to the discrimination clause on the basis of sex. Department of Education Title IX guidelines will be followed in determining the exemption. (As stated in the NWU Student Affairs Senate By Laws Article III Section 1 Subsection A.)

